Cannabiz Media Blog

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Businesses that Stigmatize the Marijuana Industry

Businesses that Stigmatize the Marijuana Industry

Despite the fact that medical and/or recreational marijuana is legal in 32 states and 62% of Americans support legalizing marijuana for adult-use, there are still some businesses operating outside of the marijuana industry that won’t (or can’t) ...

Marijuana License Holders Email Engagement – Who Is Most Responsive?

Marijuana License Holders Email Engagement – Who Is Most Responsive?

If you’re marketing your products or services to marijuana license holders, then the data in this article about email engagement will help you make strategic decisions that can maximize your email marketing ROI.

Marijuana Accessibility – How Easy Is It for People to Access Cannabis Products?

Marijuana Accessibility – How Easy Is It for People to Access Cannabis Products?

One of the critical factors that determines not only the value of a marijuana license but also the viability of a state’s medical and/or recreational marijuana program is marijuana accessibility. In other words, how easy is it for people in the state to access cannabis products?

The Impact of Children and Marijuana Edibles on the Cannabis Industry

The Impact of Children and Marijuana Edibles on the Cannabis Industry

This month, the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board announced that it plans to re-evaluate all edible cannabis products to reduce the availability of products that appeal to children. The state already has a list of rules that cannabis edibles ...

The Dawn of Cannabis Research Licenses

The Dawn of Cannabis Research Licenses

November marks the sixth anniversary since Colorado and Washington state voted to expand their medical cannabis programs and launch the first economies for legal adult use cannabis. In the time since Colorado and Washington voters passed ...

Growth of Dispensaries and Retailers

Growth of Dispensaries and Retailers

Cannabiz Media has been tracking cannabis licenses since 2015, and periodically, we share insights from tracking 30,000+ licenses. A key metric in any industry revolves around points of distribution – or how many places are available to sell product.

Join Cannabiz Media at the California Cannabis Business Conference

Join Cannabiz Media at the California Cannabis Business Conference

Cannabiz Media will be exhibiting at the upcoming California Cannabis Business Conference at the Anaheim Hilton in Anaheim, California. Sponsored by the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA), the event will be held on ...

No High for Ohio

No High for Ohio

The state of Ohio missed its planned medical marijuana program launch date of September 8, 2018. Cannabiz Media takes a look into what might have caused this and what to expect in the coming months.

Labor Unions Gain a Foothold in Washington Cannabis Industry

Labor Unions Gain a Foothold in Washington Cannabis Industry

The cannabis industry is growing and labor unions want to get in. Last month, the United Food and Commercial Workers union and cannabis retailer Have a Heart signed the state’s first cannabis collective bargaining agreement.

Visit Cannabiz Media at the Cannabis World Congress & Business Expo in Los Angeles and Boston

Visit Cannabiz Media at the Cannabis World Congress & Business Expo in Los Angeles and Boston

The Cannabis World Congress & Business Expo is heading to Los Angeles, California and Boston, Massachusetts, and Cannabis Media will be at both events. Visit the team in the Los Angeles Convention Center at booth #733 ...

Should California Marijuana Businesses Apply for State Trademarks?

Should California Marijuana Businesses Apply for State Trademarks?

Did you know that intangible assets (which include intellectual property – like trademarks) represent 84% of the S&P 500’s value? While there isn’t a space for specific intangible assets like trademarks on a company’s balance sheet, their value should not be ignored.

The Illinois Medical Marijuana Market Just Got Bigger

The Illinois Medical Marijuana Market Just Got Bigger

On August 28th of this year, Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner signed a law that made medical marijuana available to people as a replacement for opioid painkillers. Under the new law, doctors in Illinois can authorize marijuana to any patient ...

5 New Reports to be Released at the Advanced State of Cannabis Economic Conference

5 New Reports to be Released at the Advanced State of Cannabis Economic Conference

In keeping with its goal to legitimize the cannabis industry with unbiased and smart financial reporting and become the “CNBC of Cannabis,” the Green Market Report is sponsoring its first event, The Advanced State of Cannabis Economic Conference, ...

States Set Barriers to Entry for Marijuana Patients

States Set Barriers to Entry for Marijuana Patients

One of the most critical aspects of a state’s marijuana program that could mean success or failure is access. I’m referring to access to marijuana for patients and consumers. Unfortunately, some states have created barriers that keep people ...

The Value of a Marijuana License in California Just Went Up (Again)

The Value of a Marijuana License in California Just Went Up (Again)

The value of a marijuana license to businesses depends on a variety of factors. For medical marijuana licenses, the specific conditions covered is one of the biggest factors. If a state doesn’t allow medical marijuana for chronic pain, ...

Cannabiz Media Client Spotlight – Nexus

Cannabiz Media Client Spotlight – Nexus

For over 50 years, Nexus has been designing and manufacturing innovative greenhouses for commercial and residential markets. Today, the company - now known as Prospiant - is well-known for its high quality products and top-notch customer service.

5-Part Trademark Strategy that Increases the Value of a Marijuana License

5-Part Trademark Strategy that Increases the Value of a Marijuana License

In business, a trademark is a valuable asset. It helps a company protect the time and money it invests over the years building a recognizable brand in the marketplace, and it ensures that no one else can trade on that value.

Do Federal Background Checks Affect Marijuana License Values?

Do Federal Background Checks Affect Marijuana License Values?

Requiring state and federal background checks to obtain a marijuana license isn’t a new practice. States have been using background checks for years, but the results have been varied.

Top 5 Public Cannabis Companies at the Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference

Top 5 Public Cannabis Companies at the Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference

American investors were excited about cannabis market leader Tilray’s NASDAQ IPO, and rightfully so. It was the first cannabis company to go public on NASDAQ and marked a significant moment in an emerging sector with relatively few public companies.

Marijuana Industry Growth Creates More Government Jobs than Applicants

Marijuana Industry Growth Creates More Government Jobs than Applicants

The marijuana industry is bringing large amounts of money to states that have approved medical and/or recreational cannabis with most of that money coming from taxes, but did you know the marijuana industry is also bringing significant job growth to these states?