Introducing Cannabiz Media's Newest Innovation—Sync

What is Sync?

Cannabiz Media, the leading cannabis business intelligence provider renowned for its award-winning Cannabis Market Intelligence Platform, has unveiled a game-changing Sync feature. This cutting-edge functionality empowers users to seamlessly transfer cannabis operator data to 50+ popular platforms with just a single click. Noteworthy platforms that Sync supports include HubSpot, Salesforce, Pipedrive, Mailchimp, Zoho CRM, and many more. With this introduction, Cannabiz Media continues to solidify its position as a leader in open platform solutions.

The groundbreaking Sync feature establishes a data highway for users, enabling them to effortlessly integrate real-time updates on licenses, companies, and contacts from the Cannabis Market Intelligence Platform into their existing SaaS systems and workflows. What sets Sync apart is its ability to migrate individual records for licenses, companies, and contacts while maintaining their interconnected relationships for comprehensive intelligence migration.

How Sync works

Setting up a Sync connection between the Cannabis Market Intelligence Platform and the preferred external platform is a one-time process that enables users to customize data mapping according to their preferences, including the creation of custom fields. Syncs can be performed for individual records or in bulk. As Cannabiz Media updates data, subsequent syncs will amend the existing records in the external platform to prevent duplicates and maintain data cleanliness.

At launch, Sync connections are available with:

AcceloActive CampaignAffinityAirtable
AMS360Applied EpicBrevoCapsule
ClozeConstant Track
FreshsalesGoogle SheetsHubSpotInsightly
MailshakeMicrosoft Dynamics 365Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralMicrosoft Teams
NutshellOdoo OnlineOnePageCRMOutreach
PipedrivePipelineCRMPipeliner CRMSalesflare
SalesforceSalesforce SandboxSalesloftSendGrid
SlackSnowflakeSugar MarketSugar Sell
TeamleaderTeamwork CRMVTigerWebhook
WoodpeckerZapierZoho CRM

Connections with these external platforms only utilize data sharing privileges in one direction. Data is pushed to your preferred platform—never pulled. Unlike other industry data providers who claim to offer connections, Cannabiz Media’s privacy policy clearly expresses a “no data harvesting” policy.

Sync revolutionizes workflows and streamlines efficiency

By leveraging Sync, Cannabiz Media subscribers can seamlessly share valuable industry intelligence with their teams. By swiftly disseminating actionable information to sales teams and business analysts without having to train additional staff on the platform, Sync enhances operational efficiency. A single administrator can easily monitor daily email alerts for critical updates and promptly circulate this new information to their entire team. Ultimately, Sync enhances productivity by enabling teams to focus on doing rather than researching.

Annie Fleshman, VP of Marketing at Flowhub, underscores the value that Sync brings to her team. “Cannabiz Media has always been Flowhub’s go-to partner for cannabis industry data intelligence. With the new Salesforce integration offered by Sync, we’re excited to enhance our customer data enrichment process and improve sales efficiency,” she said.

How to get Sync

Sync is just the latest addition to Cannabiz Media's suite of data migration tools, making the Cannabis Market Intelligence Platform stand out as a truly open and unique platform. It joins existing features such as Dynamic Exports, Verification API, Firehose API, and Data Firehose, all of which empower users to export, pull, or push data seamlessly to their preferred systems. By keeping pace with Cannabiz Media’s rapidly updated data, these robust offerings all prevent duplicate entries and eliminate the need for manual cleanup.

Available with most Cannabiz Media subscriptions at no extra cost, Sync represents a significant value-add for subscribers looking to enhance their data management capabilities. For those interested in subscribing to Cannabiz Media, simply reach out to to start leveraging the power of Sync and these other cutting-edge features.

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