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The Cannabiz Media team analyzed data from over 332,000 emails sent by its clients through the Cannabiz Media License Database between January 1 and March 1, 2019 to learn what’s working in email marketing to cannabis license holders.
Some of the results are unique and might surprise you. For the complete analysis and all the details, email and request a copy of the free white paper.
Through its research, Cannabiz Media discovered that what works in other industries might not apply to the cannabis industry (at least not to messages sent through the Cannabiz Media License Database’s email marketing tool).
For example, some words performed very well in email subject lines sent to cannabis license holders in terms of driving up click-through rates while other words, which have notoriously been considered spam triggers in email marketing, did not negatively affect click-through rates at all.
Here are some of the key findings from the study:
The full details of the report provide important insights into email marketing subject lines and engagement among cannabis license holder recipients that can be combined with prior Cannabiz Media research to craft a powerful email marketing strategy for your business.
Last year, Cannabiz Media’s team analyzed email messages sent to cannabis license holders from the Cannabiz Media License Database to determine the best days to send email campaigns. The team discovered the best day of the week to email cannabis license holders across all states is Monday followed by Saturday and Sunday.
Importantly, last year’s study also found that clients who sent messages using the Email Campaign tool within the Cannabiz Media License Database saw a 33% higher open rate than clients who exported the email addresses and sent messages using their own systems or an email marketing software from a third party.
The data shows that the best day to send email messages to cannabis license holders is Monday, and if you’re a Cannabiz Media License Database subscriber, you should send your messages through the built-in Email Campaign tool to get the best open rates and click-through rates.
In addition, if your email messages are related to employment and careers, be sure to include the word staff or staffing in your message subject lines. Furthermore, try to write educational messages, and include words like tips, help, guide, and how in your message subject lines.
Don’t forget to email and request the free white paper to get all of the research results, so you can boost your ROI by developing the most successful email marketing campaigns.
Need help with your email marketing to cannabis license holders? Schedule a free demo of the Cannabiz Media License Database and learn what the business intelligence, email marketing and customer relationship management (CRM) tools in the software can do for you.